This time, Serena and I talked with another Dickinson student: Michelle Mercaglione. Our issue, this week, was election systems in Italy and in the USA. Things are very different in these two countries from this point of view. Election system is not the same in the whole USA: American states are subdivided into proportional system states and winner-takes-all system states and people vote directly the politician they prefer. In Italy, on the contrary, the system doesn't change region by region and we simply count all the votes at the end of the elections to designate the winner. Then, the seats in the Parliament are assigned in proportion to the percentage of the votes received by each party. We can't vote directly the person we'd like to be the Prime Minister, for example: we just vote a party and if that party wins, its members chose the Prime Minister among them. However, in fact things are a bit different: in every political coalition there's a leader and we all know who really can become Prime Minister..
Michelle is just eighteen, so she wasn't very prepared in her election system and in politics in general. I think that this probably is a common characteristic of Italy and America. Youngs are often not vey interested in politics, but I think that we all should pay a little more attention on it because it's the base of our civilization. However, don't worry, Michelle, I think I knew anything about politics when I was eighteen...
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