I'll be honest; I wasn't acquainted with the existence of feed aggregators. Evidently, I'm very green, since I discover something new every single day in the inextricable (in my opinion) world of technology. When we started our lab-lesson on last Wednesday, my first thought was something like "My God! I'm going to lose myself in a virtual maze!". However, trying to overcome my innate distrust-panic towards computers and the obscure reality they serve, I drew a deep breath and started working and...surprise, surprise...I found out it can be very useful! This is true especially if you are intersted in a lot of things on the Web, so you can save time (at least if your curiosity doesn't spur you to start clicking around everywhere, whenever you are on the Internet, like yours truly). Thanks to feed aggregators, you can easily manage everything you are interested in; it's like a private door to the Web.
What I liked the most is the fact that Bloglines permits you to choose the websites and the blogs you consider interesting among a number of proposals, so you can control your whole "virtual personal world" at the same time. Then, you can organize your choices by creating some playlists in which you subdivide the different elements. In this way, your "space" will seem in order, the search of what you're looking for will be practical and you won't waste your time.
Opening Bloglines is like holding your little world in your hands and managing it!
5 commenti:
Hi Alberto!
We are discovering a lot of new things during this course, aren't we? Every lesson is a surprise! Bloglines is certainly useful. I also appreciate the fact of saving our time thanks to feed aggregators. More or less the web sites I visit regularly are four or five; Bloglines enables me to control my whole 'virtual personal world', as you said in your post. I liked your poetical way of describing feed aggregators like private doors to the web. Nice simile!
Hello Alberto!
It's funny to notice that I'm not the only inexpert person in our group. More ore less I had the same reaction of you we Sara started the lesson talking about fees aggregators. But step by step all appear to be less complicate than we thought to be... and things got easier. It's very nice the definition that you give about these new tools: how do you call them: "private door to the web", is it right???
If I can, I would modify your definition, describing feeds aggregators as a sort of personal updated notice board, because it's inform you about news and new posts (in our case), and so you are free to decide if read them or not. It's wonderful!!!
Hi Alberto!
I completely agree with your observations about Bloglines…Reading Serena's and Alessandra's comments I am not the only one:I really like the picture you chose to describe this new aggregator and I think the metaphor “it’s like a private door to the web” is perfect to express what this feed aggregator is… I’m not very good at using computer and I don’t like the idea of spending a lot of time in front of the screen to read and write but now the web, its technology, its tools fascinate me… there are many things to discover!
C u! Bye!
Hi Alberto,
I think there were very few people acquaitaned with feed aggregator, the point is that we're learning, and of course something that seems impossible at the beginning then seems easier!
I like your way to describe aggregators, and tha lay-out of your post, with some colored words here and there where you want to catch the readers attention!
see you next week!
Hi Alberto!
reading our posts, I can say that at the beginning we were confused about feed aggregators ect but then, thanks to Sarah's help we understood the mechanism!!
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